Sunday 10 July 2011

College Gags

Well Friends I am new to blogger and infact this is my first blog ever!
It was my friends Sunil's blog that compelled me to register to blogger and start blogging.
His blog is of his memories of college days, and I thought why not share some of the most hillarious moments that I have lived as a student of SSGMCE ( my engg college).
Out of the many odd traditions and believes the best was late night birthday parties!
At the stroke of midnight we all use to assemble in the room of birthday boy to give our wishes. Well this is what all of us normally do, we wish our friends!. But the modus operandi was slightly different.
First of all it used to be GPL or birthday bump where kick specialist would be regularly called to give a memorable(read painful) wish. And by painful I mean the pain used to last for minimum two days and would depend on your social status in hostel. Had someone ever behaved controversially by hiding shaving creame or toothpaste, etc, he used to get special warm wishes.  I still remember one guy unfortunately had his birthday before exam. Still no shortcut was adopted and poor fellow was on painkiller the other day!
GPL would normally be followed by birthday makeup using,, whatever  available! shoe-polish, tooth paste, ink etc. I really feel unfortunate that I have not preserved the photos of guys post birthday makeup!
May be these traditions are normally followed in all colleges but the other tradition of 'Thappi' (which can be translated as a pile) was a unique one!
It mostly used to take place on birthdays but guys were given this royal treatment for various reasons.
Reasons like, if someone scores good, beyond friends expectations and score bracket, or if someone goes out with any girl, or for that matter even talks to any girl, or simply for no rhyme or reason.
During Thappi the target had to lie down on bed and then a group of 5 to 6 friends would climb on him lying one above the other to form a human pile in a very inhuman way!. One guy used to stand adjacent to this odd human pile to balance the thappi. During this treatment, targeted guy would normally yell for mercy complaining of suffocation, bone fracture etc etc.
But at the end it fun for all.

1 comment:

  1. Finally I am happy that atleast somebody is influenced by me in this world.
    Happy to see you here mangesh!! You started with good note on your blog and it reminded me of my college days where we used to get GPL on our bumps and next day we cant sit properly... Cheers to our hostel days...!!
